The Manager\'s Guide to Strategy

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The Manager\'s Guide to Strategy

The Manager\'s Guide to Strategy The Manager's Guide to Strategy Roger Formisano 240 Pages   All managers, whether brand new to their positions or well-established in the organizational hierarchy, can use a little "brushing up" now and then. The skills-based Briefcase Books series is filled with ideas and strategies to help managers become more capable, efficient, effective, and valuable to their organizations. The best strategies--and the most capable managers--are those that effectively match an organization's capabilities with its customers' needs. The Manager's Guide to Strategy shows managers how to analyze a firm's position in the marketplace, formulate and execute a profitable strategy, then evaluate and revise that strategy over time. It details techniques for making employees excited about and committed to a strategy, and explains how to use strategy to take advantage of opportunities as they arise--to the mutual benefit of both a company and its customers.. ...

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